Tech Jeff Yu

Magento 2 - Adding Customer Attributes

We need extra attributes for a customer like we did for product, but there is no interface for that in CE of Magento

Magento 2: Creating Custom Web APIS

In this tutorial I will create a new Module called 'Jeff_Slider' with Web REST API

Magento Varien Db Table Types

Varien_Db_Ddl_Table::TYPE_NAME is nothing but the type of the columns just like char, varchar, int, decimal, etc.

Get Directory Paths and URLs For Magento 1

Get directory paths, base URLs and URLs in static block

Create Magento 2 Module with Pestle

Pestle is a new PHP framework for creating and organizing PHP programs into Python like libraries of functions.

Create a Custom Session Namespace With a Model in Magento

It's possible to create a new Session model in your custom modules in Magento

Laravel 5 Start Site with Bootstrap 3

A good start website with laravel 5, jQuery Bootstrap 3

Magento Soap API V1 and V2 Creation

Tutorial for creating Magento Soap API V1 and V2

Magento Order Code Snippets

Some useful Magento code snippets for order

Magento: Add Custom Text At the Bottom of Invoice Pdf

The way to add some "term & condition" at the bottom of customer invoice.

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